Vol. 13 (2024)

Published: 01/02/2024


  • Is there a neocolonial stance in ethnobiology?

    Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves, Rodrigo Felipe Rodrigues do Carmo

    Visualizações: 1655
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.06-1-4
  • Enhancing Editorial Standards and Introducing the New Checklist Section of the Ethnobiology and Conservation

    Ulysses Albuquerque; Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves

    Visualizações: 1018
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-03-13.12-1-3

Original research article

  • Exploring local ecological knowledge to inform the conservation of the Endangered and understudied Preuss’s monkey (Allochrocebus preussi) in Ebo forest, Cameroon

    Nkemnyi Standly Nkengbeza, Eric Djomo Nana, Ekwoge Enang Abwe, Jean Pascal Koh-Dimbot, Ngome Laura Mesame, Peter Njukang Akongte, Eric Bertrand Fokam

    Visualizações: 725
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-03-13.11-1-19
  • Analysis of scientific production and knowledge about wildlife roadkill in Brazilian protected areas

    Jefferson Miranda, Alexandre Schiavetti

    Visualizações: 1076
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-02-13.10-1-21
  • People socialize ecological information about the environment but may forget their own experiences: a case study of local ecological knowledge about seed-dispersing animals

    Gilney Charll Santos, José Ribamar de Sousa Júnior , André Luiz Borba do Nascimento, Josivan Soares da Silva, Ivanilda Soares Feitosa , Nicola Schiel, Elcida de Lima Araújo, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves, Ulysses Albuquerque

    Visualizações: 1034
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.19-1-15
  • Giving Birth in the Mountains: Plants and Practices in Reproductive Health of Zapotec Women in Northern Oaxaca

    Lindary Camila Mahecha-Ruiz, David Bravo-Avilez, Gladys Isabel Manzanero-Medina, Marco Antonio Vázquez Dávila, Beatriz Rendón-Aguilar

    Visualizações: 601
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.23-1-24
  • Seasonal Dynamics of Salt Licks and Their Use by Wildlife in Amazonia

    Franciany Braga-Pereira, Carlos A Peres, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves

    Visualizações: 393
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-08-13.24-1-9
  • Politics of Knowledge in Conservation: (De)valued Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Bote in Chitwan National Park, Nepal

    Indra Mani Rai, Rebat Kumar Dhakal

    Visualizações: 1190
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.04-1-13
  • Traditional ecological knowledge of mangrove wood use on the Brazilian Amazon coast

    Madson Lucas Galvão, Tatiane Nascimento Medeiros Rodrigues, Iedo Souza Santos, Marcus Emanuel Barroncas Fernandes

    Visualizações: 1528
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.03-1-19
  • Can debarking affects sex ratio, population structure and spatial segregation?: insights of unsustainable harvesting in a Mesoamerican tropical tree

    Leonardo Beltrán, Angélica Romero-Manzanares, Tamara Ticktin, José Blancas, Andrea Martínez Ballesté, Orou Gaoue, Robert Bye

    Visualizações: 948
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.08-1-23
  • Object analysis and species identification of an Asháninka hood from the Rio Ene valley, Peru

    Caroline Fernandes Caromano, Walid Dani Kaki, Tinde Van Andel, Max Kockelkorn

    Visualizações: 949
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-05-13.14-1-14
  • Conservation Consequences of Corallivore Gastropod Predation on Plexaurella grandiflora (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) Populations in Tropical Reefs

    Camile Dias Avelino, Ellori Laíse Silva Mota, Anne Isabelley Gondim, Rômulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves, Thelma Lúcia Pereira Dias

    Visualizações: 625
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.21-1-15
  • Are firewood preference behaviors influenced by restrictions in access to vegetation, and can they vary over time?

    Carlos Henrique Tavares Mendes, Marcelo Alves Ramos, Taline Cristina Silva

    Visualizações: 642
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-04-13.13-1-16
  • Tikuna Perceptions of Extreme Weather Events: A Case Study on an Indigenous Lands in the Upper Solimões River, Brazil

    Maiana Costa do Lago, George Henrique Rebelo, Ana Carla Bruno, Luiza Magalli Pinto Henriques

    Visualizações: 883
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.07-1-19
  • Preventive, Curative, and Tolerance Practices: Family Farmers' Local Ecological Knowledge regarding Harmful Crop Arthropods in NW Patagonia

    Pablo Andrés Grimaldi, Fernando Nicolas Céspedes, Catalina Rico Lenta, Melisa Stefania Longo Blasón, Ana H. Ladio

    Visualizações: 496
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.16-1-25
  • The rural and urban community perceptions of ecosystem goods and services in the semi-arid reservoirs landscape

    Lívia Maria Osório de Sousa, Dalescka Barbosa de Melo, Lucianna Marques Rocha Ferreira, Joseline Molozzi

    Visualizações: 541
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.18-1-11
  • Hunting activity in the Cerrado of Maranhão: techniques and associated sociocultural factors

    Pedro Victor Cardoso dos Santos, Felipe Silva Ferreira, Samuel Vieira Brito

    Visualizações: 551
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-08-13.26-1-14
  • Factors that influence complementarity and competition between medicinal plants and medicines of biomedical origin in an urban context

    Bianca Melo Oliveira, Flavia Rosa Santoro, Washington Soares Ferreira Júnior

    Visualizações: 500
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-09-13.29-1-13
  • Understanding the drivers of the live bird trade in Brazil

    Luane Maria Melo Azeredo, Romulo Romeu Nóbrega Alves

    Visualizações: 941
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.05-1-19
  • The impact of RS–040 highway on wildlife roadkill patterns, Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil

    Gabrielle Zanettini Tres, Tiago Dominguez Pacheco, Vitor Gabriel Cardozo Silva, Paulo Guilherme Carniel Wagner, Walter Nisa-Castro-Neto, Cláudio Estêvão Farias Cruz

    Visualizações: 991
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.01-1-16
  • Assessing the cognitive salience of wild fauna in the Barranca de Metztitlán Biosphere Reserve, Mexico

    Zeltzin Ketzalken Zepeda Hernández, María Teresa Pulido Silva, Gerardo Sánchez Rojas

    Visualizações: 646
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.17-1-17
  • Hunting pressure on primates in the southern portion of the Brazilian Northeast: historical threats and current perspectives

    Raone Beltrao-Mendes, André Chein Alonso, Eduardo Marques, Rodrigo Cambará Printes, Leandro Jerusalinsky, Stephen Francis Ferrari

    Visualizações: 695
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-08-13.28-1-13
  • Wildlife Consumption Dynamics: Unveiling Conduru Park in Southern Bahia, Brazil

    Joanison Vicente dos Santos Teixeira, Wesley Duarte da Rocha, Jefferson Eduardo Silveira Miranda, Alexandre Schiavetti

    Visualizações: 875
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.02-1-20
  • Are beekeepers conservation-friendly? A study on attitudes and values toward animals among small-scale farmers

    Roberta Monique Amâncio de Carvalho, Janaina Kelli Gomes Arandas, Celso Feitosa Martins, Romulo Romeu da Nóbrega Alves, Angelo Giuseppe Chaves Alves

    Visualizações: 1178
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-01-13.09-1-15
  • Interactions between Cetaceans (suborder Odontoceti) and Artisanal Fishing in Brazil: an ethnoecological approach

    Breno Carvalho, Antonio da Silva Souto, Evaldo de Lira Azevedo

    Visualizações: 818
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-05-13.15-1-28


  • Political Ethnobiology

    Gustavo Taboada Soldati, Emmanuel Duarte Almada

    Visualizações: 885
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.20-1-18
  • Addressing Taxonomic and Geographic Biases in ethnozoological studies on animal use in Brazil

    Suellen da Silva Santos Santos, Hyago Keslley de Lucena Soares, Henrique Fernandes Magalhães, Eraldo Medeiros Costa Neto, Fabio de Oliveira Roque, Davidson Gomes Nogueira, Reinaldo Farias Paiva de Lucena

    Visualizações: 472
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-08-13.27-1-21
  • Perception and uses about mammals in México: a literature review

    Iván Flores-Santiago, Martha L. Baena, Christian A. Delfín-Alfonso, Evodia Silva-Rivera, José Luis Pérez-Chacón

    Visualizações: 651
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-08-13.22-1-12

Short Review

  • Why do we love pandas and hate cockroaches?

    Ulysses Paulino Albuquerque, João Victor Mendes Silva

    Visualizações: 1020
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.15451/ec2024-07-13.22-1-7