Interactions between Cetaceans (suborder Odontoceti) and Artisanal Fishing in Brazil: an ethnoecological approach
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Delphinidae, Operational interactions, Fishing communityAbstract
Studies based on the relationship between humans and the natural environment have been proven to be important tools for understanding the influence, knowledge, and perceptions associated with the web of interactions between humans, species and ecosystems. Here, we highlight the interactions between cetaceans and artisanal fishing. Thus, this study aimed to: a) compile studies that consider artisanal fishing and its interactions with small cetaceans in Brazil; b) understand research trends over the years; c) analyse the distribution of studies by country region; d) perform authorship and citation analyses; e) classify the interactions between cetaceans and artisanal fishing recorded by authors and f) identify dolphin species registered in the study. To achieve this, we reviewed the current status of national publications related to the interactions of cetaceans (suborder Odontoceti) with artisanal fishing in Brazil, focusing on ethnoecological studies. Seven databases were used to survey the studies. To classify the interactions, we adopted the categorization proposed by Freitas-Netto and adapted by Di Beneditto. Based on the data analysis, we registered 12 types of interactions, seven of which were grouped according to the descriptions proposed by Di Beneditto and five new categories were described based on the results of this study. The studies reported the interaction of 43.2% (n=16) of the 37 odontocete species reported to occur in Brazil, with emphasis on the species Sotalia guianensis, Tursiops truncatus, Pontoporia blainvillei, Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis. From our research it was possible to observe that ethnoecological studies allow us to answer important questions about the occurrence of species and aspects of fishing. Furthermore, we reinforce the importance of developing studies which focus on the knowledge of the existing relationships between cetaceans and traditional fishing methods, since studies on this topic can generate data that contribute to the establishment of mitigation strategies and the management of species and ecosystems.
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