Schiavetti, Alexandre, Brazil
Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 13 (2024) - Original research article
Analysis of scientific production and knowledge about wildlife roadkill in Brazilian protected areas
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 11 (2022) - Original research article
Knowledge of marine mammal professionals on ecosystem services associated with the marine manatee (Trichechus manatus) in Brazil
Abstract PDF -
Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 9 (2020) - Review
Operational interactions between sea lion species (Otariinae) and commercial fisheries
Abstract PDF -
Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 13 (2024) - Original research article
Wildlife Consumption Dynamics: Unveiling Conduru Park in Southern Bahia, Brazil
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 10 (2021) - Original research article
Voluntary scuba diving as a method for monitoring invasive exotic marine species
Abstract PDF -
Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 9 (2020) - Original research article
Conflicts between humans and wild animals in and surrounding protected area (Bahia, Brazil): an ethnozoological approach
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 10 (2021) - Original research article
Does the respondent's role affect the final value of management effectiveness? The case of Brazilian marine protected areas
Abstract PDF