Ferreira Júnior, Washington Soares, Brazil
Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 11 (2022) - Primer
Evolutionary ethnobiology
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 2 (2013) - Hypothesis
The role of individuals in the resilience of local medical systems based on the use of medicinal plants – a hypothesis
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 7 (2018) - Short Review
A theoretical review on the origin of medicinal practices in humans: echoes from evolution
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 12 (2023) - Original research article
Perceived efficiency and local consensus as factors shaping medicinal plant knowledge
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 12 (2023) - Editorial
Hypothesis Testing in Ethnobotany: 30 years After Phillips & Gentry's Seminal Work
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 6 (2017) - Short Review
Landscapes preferences in the human species: insights for ethnobiology from evolutionary psychology
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 9 (2020) - Original research article
Is there a biological basis in the selection of medicinal plants in the human species? An initial approach based on chemosensory perception of taste
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Ethnobiology and Conservation Vol. 9 (2020) - Original research article
Factors that influence human behavior in fuelwood use and their implications for biocultural conservation
Abstract PDF