Correction to: How far are we? Information from the three decades of ethnomedicinal stud-ies in Thailand

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In the original research Phumthum (2020), the first paragraph in the discussion on page 7 compared the study with the study by Hidyati et al. (2015). The author found that the expression might mislead readers. Therefore, the author changes the entire paragraph as the following paragraph.

From the time when ethnobotany had become a recognized academic discipline until now, researchers from several of higher educational institutions have continuously participated the recording of traditional knowledge (Albuquerque et al. 2013). In Southeast Asia, Hidayati et al. (2015) mined ethnobotanical studies from Scopus and Web of Science databases representing 312 publications in which 68 of them were from studies in Thailand. For the ethnomedicinal study, the study reveals 66 publications from Southeast Asian countries. Campos et al. (2016) found that there were high numbers of grey literature citations in ethnobiology and ethnomedicines. This study, therefore, includes more data from grey literature namely student theses and scientific reports and reveals 146 publications for only ethnomedicinal study in Thailand.

In light of this information, this change does not affect the conclusion of the article.


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Albuquerque UP, Silva JS, Campos JLA, Sousa RS, Silva TC, Alves RRN (2013) The current status of ethnobiological research in Latin America: gaps and perspectives. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 9(72).

Campos JLA, Sobral A, Silva JS, Araújo TAS, Ferreira-Júnior WS, Santoro FR, dos Santos GC, Albuquerque UP (2016) Insularity and citation behavior of scientific articles in young fields: the case of ethnobiology. Scientometrics 109, 1037-1055

Hidayati S, Franco FM, Bussman RW (2015) Ready for phase 5 - current state of ethnobiolgoy in Southeast Asia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 11: 17.

Phumthum M (2020) How far are we? Information from the three decades of ethnomedicinal studies in Thailand. Ethnobiology and Conservation. 9




How to Cite

Phumthum, M. (2020). Correction to: How far are we? Information from the three decades of ethnomedicinal stud-ies in Thailand. Ethnobiology and Conservation, 9. Retrieved from



Original research article