What role do wild animals (fish and wildmeat) play in the food security of urban teenagers living in poverty and conflict - the case of Quibdó, Colombia

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  • Nathalie van Vliet
  • Björn Schulte-Herbruggen
  • Liliana Vanegas
  • Eric Yair Cuesta
  • François Sandrin
  • Robert Nasi


Wild animals, Food security, wildmeat, fish, biodiversity, forest towns, colombia


Many urban areas located at the forest edge maintain a high connection to the forest, either because forests provide resources and services that act as safety nets for the poor or because they represent a cultural link to traditional lifestyles. In urban areas located in forest landscapes, access to food markets is limited, particularly in regions where armed conflict has resulted in decreased agricultural and livestock production and poor or unsafe communication means for the transportation of goods. In this study, we assess the nutritional status of teenagers living in Quibdó, a forest town that lies at the centre of Colombia’s long history of political conflicts, and analyse the role that wild animals (wild fish and wildmeat) play for their food security. While our analysis clearly shows that wild animals significantly contribute to dietary diversity, food and nutrition insecurity prevail among teenagers, especially among the poorest families. Our results suggest that post-conflict policies should explicitly promote integrated approaches to reduce food insecurity and value biodiversity for it’s in reducing malnutrition.


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How to Cite

van Vliet, N., Schulte-Herbruggen, B., Vanegas, L., Yair Cuesta, E., Sandrin, F., & Nasi, R. (2017). What role do wild animals (fish and wildmeat) play in the food security of urban teenagers living in poverty and conflict - the case of Quibdó, Colombia. Ethnobiology and Conservation, 7. Retrieved from https://ethnobioconservation.com/index.php/ebc/article/view/150



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