Guide for authors

Journal Scope

Ethnobiology and Conservation is an open-access journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research at the intersection of human societies and biodiversity. The journal covers a broad range of topics, including ethnobiology, ecology, conservation science, traditional knowledge, socioecological systems, environmental policies, and sustainable resource management. We welcome original research, reviews, and theoretical perspectives that contribute to understanding the relationships between people and nature, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches and conservation implications. Before submitting your work, please carefully read the guidelines below and this editorial.


Peer Review Process

Ethnobiology and Conservation follows a double-anonymized peer review process to ensure fairness and scientific rigor. All submissions undergo an initial editorial assessment to determine their suitability for the journal. If deemed appropriate, manuscripts are sent to at least two independent reviewers for evaluation based on their scientific quality, originality, and relevance. The final decision on acceptance or rejection rests with the editors. At no time should an Editor communicate the names of the reviewers to the authors, or to anybody else in the community.

All manuscripts should be kept completely confidential. Editors should not use any of its insights until after publication. To maintain integrity and avoid conflicts of interest, our editors do not participate in decisions regarding manuscripts in which they:

  • Are listed as authors.
  • Have close professional or personal ties to the authors.
  • Have a direct interest in the research.

In such cases, the review process is managed independently to uphold impartiality. Concerns highlighted after publication, as well as concerns about research ethics in general, should also be reported to the editors-in-chief.


Ethical considerations

Authors must follow ethical guidelines stated in Ethical Standards & Best Practices.

By submitting an article to Ethnobiology and Conservation, authors confirm that:

  • The work has not been previously published, except in the form of a preprint, abstract, academic thesis, lecture, or registered report. Please refer to our policy on multiple, redundant, or concurrent publication.
  • The manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The publication of the article has been approved by all authors and, when applicable, by the relevant authorities where the research was conducted.
  • If accepted, the article will not be published elsewhere in the same form, either in English or another language, including electronic formats, without the written consent of the copyright holder.

As EC editors, we prioritize maintaining the highest ethical standards in the peer review process. We do not encourage reviews that are defamatory, false, or misleading, nor any that are insulting, threatening, or abusive. Reviews that are obscene, sexual in nature, offensive, racist, sexist, homophobic, or discriminatory against any religions or groups are not acceptable. Editors are also expected to conduct their duties with professionalism and courtesy, refraining from using swear words or any discriminatory or abusive language directed at authors.

In line with our commitment to ethical publication practices, we adhere to important ethical considerations outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These guidelines ensure that our review process is fair, transparent, and upholds the integrity of scientific communication.


Article categories

Short Communication (SC): A concise manuscript presenting original and significant findings. A Short Communication is not intended for preliminary results. It should follow the same structure as a full research paper and be limited to 5 pages, with a maximum of 3 illustrations (figures or tables).

Research Article: A comprehensive report of original research, including the following sections: Title page (with Abstract), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments, and References.

Review: A thorough examination of a topic within the journal’s scope. Authors are free to determine the structure and subdivisions of the review. Manuscripts can vary in length, providing an in-depth analysis of the subject.

Short Review: A concise overview of a specific topic relevant to the scope of the journal. The goal is to provide fresh, updated information on a focused subject. Short Reviews should be no longer than 5 pages (including references).

Hypothesis: A manuscript presenting an original, untested hypothesis, based solely on a review of previously published literature rather than new data. Hypothesis articles should not include original research data. These manuscripts should be up to 3 pages (including references) and may include a maximum of 3 illustrations (figures or tables).

Policy Brief: A document that summarizes key information on a topic of public interest, offering recommendations for decision-making and policy action. Policy briefs are targeted primarily at policymakers but can also inform leaders of indigenous peoples, traditional communities, and other social groups by presenting evidence with direct implications for these actors. General guidelines for writing a Policy Brief are provided in the “Manuscript Structure” section.

Primer: A brief introduction to a specific field or concept, offering foundational knowledge in a concise format. Primers should be no more than 5 pages (including references) and are encouraged to include figures that illustrate the core ideas. The focus should be on providing a well-grounded, personalized perspective on the topic rather than presenting multiple viewpoints.

Checklist: This category invites original research articles that present comprehensive species lists used in specific socio-ecological contexts. We aim to build a high-quality repository of species-use data, supporting studies on patterns in human-nature relationships (e.g., systematic reviews and meta-analyses). Manuscripts must include detailed information about the social, cultural, and ecological context of the study, as well as about sampling methods and species identification. Only lists identifying at least 80% of species at the species level and that have a regional scope will be considered.

OpinionA manuscript that presents the author's personal perspective, interpretation, or critique on a specific topic within the journal's scope. Opinion articles should be thought-provoking, well-argued, and supported by relevant literature, but they do not require original research data. The goal is to stimulate discussion, challenge existing paradigms, or propose new directions for research or policy. Manuscripts should be concise, typically no longer than 5-8 pages (including references), and may include a limited number of figures or tables to support the argument. The structure is flexible, but the content should clearly articulate the author's viewpoint, provide context, and highlight the implications of the opinion for the field.


General Formatting


Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise, and grammatically correct English. Authors may choose either British or American English, but consistency should be maintained throughout the manuscript.


All manuscripts submitted to EC must strictly follow the template provided.

The standard font is Arial, size 12, with single-spaced text and fully justified, except for the manuscript title, which should appear centered and bold. For paragraphs, use tab space, not the spacebar. The default page size is A4, with all margins at 2.5 cm. All pages must be numbered.

Please ensure your manuscript adheres to these guidelines for smooth processing and review.



Attach files and format

Submit the manuscript in DOC, DOCX, or any MS Word-compatible format (e.g., OpenOffice, LibreOffice, BrOffice). This journal follows a double anonymized review process, meaning the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. To ensure the integrity of this process, we ask that authors submit their title page and anonymized manuscript separately. submitting your manuscript, please ensure the following files are included:

1) Cover Letter

The cover letter should briefly highlight the relevance of your manuscript and include a statement confirming that all authors are aware of and approve the content of the paper.

2) Title Page

The title page should include the following information:

  • Manuscript Title: original and concise, in bold and centered.
  • Author Names and Affiliations: provide the full names of all authors. The affiliations should be placed immediately below the list of authors. Indicate each affiliation with a lower-case superscript number (1) placed immediately after the author’s name and in front of the corresponding address. Affiliations must include the full postal address and email. The corresponding author should be indicated with a superscript asterisk (*) after the affiliation number.
  • Significance Statement: submit a clear statement, no longer than 150 words, that highlights the originality and relevance of your manuscript. This statement should succinctly convey why your study is important and its potential impact.
  • Abstract: prepare an abstract of up to 250 words. The abstract should provide a brief overview of the study, addressing the problem being investigated and emphasizing the main results. Following the abstract, include three to five keywords that reflect the focus of your research.
  • Abstract(s) in the Mother Language (optional): If desired, you may submit an abstract in the mother language of the corresponding author or first author. This version should follow the same guidelines as the abstract in English. Ensure it is clear, concise, and addresses the key elements of your study.
  • Contribution Statement: Please include a contribution statement in your manuscript that specifies the individual contributions of each author. A suggested format is as follows:

           Conceived of the presented idea: XYZ, ABC (initials of the authors).

           Carried out the experiment: XYZ, ABC (initials of the authors).

           Carried out the data analysis: XYZ, ABC (initials of the authors).

           Wrote the first draft of the manuscript: XYZ, ABC (initials of the authors).

           Review and final write of the manuscript: XYZ, ABC (initials of the authors).

           Supervision: XYZ, ABC (initials of the authors).

3) Manuscript

The anonymized manuscript should contain the main body of the paper, including references, figures, and tables. It is crucial that the anonymized manuscript does not include any identifying information, such as author names or affiliations, to ensure the review process remains anonymous. A PDF is not an acceptable source file. The main sections of the manuscript should include:

  • Introduction
  • Material and Methods
  • Results and Discussion (which can be combined or presented separately)
  • Conclusions (optional)
  • References

Headings should be indicated in bold. If necessary, subsections should have their titles in italics to distinguish them from the main sections.

Acknowledgments, including recognition of people, grants, funding, and other forms of support, should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. When mentioning funding organizations, please provide their full names.

Declarations:  Authors are required to include the following declarations in their manuscript:

  • Data Availability: Include a statement regarding the availability of data used to support the findings of your study. A recommended wording is:

"The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request."

If your data is publicly available or deposited in a repository, please provide the relevant links or reference the repository.

  • Conflict of Interest: It is essential to declare any potential conflicts of interest that may have influenced the research process or outcomes. If no conflicts exist, please state:

"The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare."

If any conflicts of interest are present, they must be clearly stated and described in this section.

4) Figures

Include all figures as separate files, ensuring they are of high quality and appropriately labeled. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively in the order they appear in the text (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Use a logical naming convention for your image files, such as Figure 1, with the corresponding file name as Figure 1.tif.

For vector graphics, the preferred format is EPS. For color or grayscale photographs (halftones), use TIFF format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. For other types of images, use a minimum of 600 dpi and opt for the TIFF format.

Figures should be inserted in the text with their respective captions placed below the image. Additionally, authors are required to submit the figures as separate files, ensuring that they are clearly named and of appropriate resolution for publication.

5) Additional files

If applicable, please provide any supplementary material or supporting data that enhances the understanding of your manuscript. Additional files should be indicated sequentially in the text (e.g., Add file 1, Add file 2, etc.) and submitted as separate files with logical names, such as Add file 1.mpg, Add file 2.xls, etc. Captions or legends for additional files should be specified after the references.

Ensure all files are correctly formatted and clearly labeled before submission.


References should be cited using the author-date system. For studies with three or more authors, cite only the first author followed by "et al." Separate different citations within a parenthesis using a semicolon. If an author has published multiple articles in the same year, distinguish the references by adding letters after the year (separated by commas). Below are some examples:

  • While zootherapeutic practices have wide geographical distributions and deep cultural origins (Alves et al. 2010; Cooper 2008),
  • …including use for the treatment of diseases in humans and animals (Albuquerque et al. 2007; Barboza et al. 2007; Vieira et al. 2009a,b,c).
  • According to Alves and Rosa (2006, 2007).


Reference List

Organize references in alphabetical order. The final list should include only references that are cited in the text (published or accepted for publication). Personal communications and unpublished works are not accepted as references. Below are examples of the proper reference styles. If you use a reference manager such as EndNote, JabRef, Mendeley, or Zotero, you will find a style for "Ethnobiology and Conservation" available for them.

  • Journal Article

Albuquerque UP, Lucena RFP, Monteiro JM, Florentino ATN, Almeida CFCBR (2006) Evaluating Two Quantitative Ethnobotanical Techniques. Ethnobotany Research & Applications 4:51-60.

Alves RRN, Rosa IL (2007a) Zootherapy goes to town: The use of animal-based remedies in urban areas of NE and N Brazil. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 113:541-555.

Alves RRN, Rosa IL (2007b) Zootherapeutic practices among fishing communities in North and Northeast Brazil: A comparison. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 111: 82-103.

  • If a journal article has a DOI, include the DOI in the reference:

Kretser HE, Johnson MF, Hickey LM, Zahler P, Bennett EL (2012) Wildlife trade products available to U.S. military personnel serving abroad. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 967-980. doi: 10.1007/s10531-012-0232-3

  • Book / Edited Book

Alves RRN, Souto WMS, Mourão JS (2010) A Etnozoologia no Brasil: Importância, Status atual e Perspectivas. 1st ed. NUPEEA, Recife, PE, Brazil.

Berg BL (2001) Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences. 14th ed. Allyn & Bacon - A Pearson Education Company, Boston, USA.

Berkes F (2008) Sacred Ecology. 2nd ed. Routledge, New York/ Oxon, UK

  • Book Chapter

Stearman AM (2000) A Pound of Flesh: Social Change and Modernization as Factors in Hunting Sustainability Among Neotropical Indigenous Societies. In: Robinson JG, Bennett EL (eds) Hunting for Sustainability in Tropical Forests. 1st ed. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 233-250.

Pellens R, Garay I, Grandcolas P (2009) Biodiversity conservation and management in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: Every fragment must be considered. In: Kudrow NJ (ed) Conservation of Natural Resources. 1st ed. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 101-136.

  • Web Page

Bleisch B, Brockelman W, Timmins RJ, Nadler T, Thun S, Das J, Yongcheng L (2008) Trachypithecus phayrei (In: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011). IUCN. [] Accessed 29 April 2011.

Gravlee L (2002) The Uses and Limitations of Free Listing in Ethnographic Research. [] Accessed 30 December 2010.

  • PhD Thesis and Dissertations

Henfrey TB (2002) Ethnoecology, Resource Use, Conservation and Development in a Wapishana Community in the South Rupununi, Guyana. PhD Thesis, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.

Contesso C (2009) Bushmeat and European Migratory Birds Conservation. MSc. Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Falls Church, VA, USA.

Swensson J (2005) Bushmeat Trade in Techiman, Ghana, West Africa. Undergraduate Thesis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden


Format Exception - Policy Brief (PB)

PB manuscripts must be concise and focused, with a maximum word count of 2,000 words, and should reference 1 to 5 scientific studies that support the arguments. The document should directly address a specific problem or issue and be structured as follows:

Language and Audience: Write the policy brief in the language appropriate for your target audience, ensuring clarity and accessibility. Avoid technical terms and scientific jargon to ensure that the document is comprehensible to non-experts.

Manuscript Content: The policy brief should be succinct and objective, focused on one specific problem or situation.

You are encouraged to include visual aids, such as graphs or charts, to make the critical information more accessible and digestible.

Required Information:

  • Title, Authors, and Affiliation: Follow the standard guidelines for submission as outlined by the journal.
  • Target Audience: Specify whether the policy brief is aimed at (1) policymakers within a specific governmental area or (2) leaders of the communities involved.
  • Scope: Indicate the scope of the problem addressed, whether it is national, regional, or local. If the study is on a local level, provide specific details, such as the name of the conservation unit or the local community, as applicable.
  • Make sure that your body text contains: (1) context or scope of the problem, (2) main evidence, and (3) clear and feasible political recommendations.
  • Other Elements: conflict of interest (include a statement declaring any potential conflicts of interest, statement of contribution (indicate who contributed to the manuscript and how), and bibliographic references.
  • If Necessary: Acknowledgments and Funding Information.

In the links below, you can view examples of policy briefs that can inspire you to construct yours, considering the guidelines of Ethnobiology and Conservation:

"Como melhorar a governança dos recursos hídricos no Brasil?" [Link]

"A House Undermined: Transforming relations between mining companies and Indigenous Peoples in the Americas." [Link]

"Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Nunavik, Quebec." [Link]

These examples can serve as inspiration for constructing your own policy brief, adhering to the guidelines set by Ethnobiology and Conservation.


Additional information

Study-Area Characterization

Authors are strongly encouraged to pay particular attention to the description of the study area. Mandatory information includes:

  • The name of the studied community(ies), settlement(s), or analogs, along with the higher administrative units (e.g., municipality, province, region, and country).
  • Geographical coordinates of the study area. If the authors believe this information should be omitted for any reason, they must provide an explanation in the cover letter.
  • Community size (e.g., the number of people or families in the studied community(ies) or region(s)).
  • Ethnical characterization of the studied communities and their main economic or subsistence activities (e.g., agriculture, wild food plant harvesting, tourism, etc.).
  • The environmental context of the study area (e.g., biome or ecosystem, average temperatures, and precipitation).

Sampling Procedures

Regardless of the type of research, authors should provide a clear explanation of how interviewees or participants were selected. Mandatory information includes:

  • Type of sample: Specify the sampling method used (e.g., random sampling, theoretical sampling, quota sampling, convenience sampling, etc.). Studies that performed a census instead of sampling should clearly state this in the manuscript.
  • Sampling unit: Identify the unit of observation (e.g., individuals, families, households, etc.).
  • Exclusion criteria: Provide any exclusion criteria used in the selection process (e.g., exclusion of children and adolescents).
  • Universe and sample size: State the total number of individuals, families, or households in the study population and the number of participants interviewed.
  • Selection process: If the sampling unit is the family or household, explain how interviewees were selected (e.g., joint interviews with all family members, only the most knowledgeable member on a given subject, etc.).
  • Subgroup studies: For studies conducted with a subgroup of the community (e.g., local specialists, healers, hunters, etc.), avoid generalizing findings to the entire community. Clearly indicate the scope and limitations of the subgroup studied.

Plant and Animal Collection and Identification

Authors should provide detailed information regarding the collection and identification of biological materials. Mandatory information includes:

  • Institutional deposition: Mention the institutions where the collected biological material (plants or animals) was deposited.
  • Plant specimens: For plants, refer to the collector's number or deposit number of each specimen.
  • Animal specimens: For animals, whenever possible, zoological material should be collected and deposited in scientific collections. The voucher number for the specimens should be provided.
  • If zoological collection is not possible: In cases where obtaining zoological material is not feasible, ethnozoological studies should rely on a checklist of animal species. This checklist should be based on previously published works on animals conducted in the surveyed area.

Nomenclatures, non-English names, units, and abbreviations

When reporting species names, authors should follow the standard codes, such as the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. These species names should be italicized throughout the text. Non-English words, including vernacular names, should also be italicized, except for proper names. It is important to avoid using non-standard or uncommon abbreviations; however, if an abbreviation is necessary, it should be defined the first time it appears in the text. The manuscript must only use SI (International System of Units) for all measurements and units to maintain consistency and clarity.

Table guidelines

Tables should be numbered consecutively according to their order of appearance in the text (e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Each table should have an upper title that clearly summarizes its content, with captions being concise yet descriptive.

To maintain alignment, tables should be created using the 'Table' function in MS Word™ or an equivalent program. Columns and rows must be clearly delimited by borders, and decimal points should be used instead of commas. Avoid using color or shading in tables; if highlighting is necessary, use symbols or bold text and explain their meaning in the table caption.

If a dataset or table is too large or wide to fit on a single page, it can be submitted as an additional file. These files will not appear in the final PDF of the article but will be accessible as separate links.

Chemical formulas and equations

Chemical formulas should be submitted as figures. For simple equations (e.g., one line), you may type the text, using the solidus ("/") for small fractional terms. However, for complex equations, please send them as figures.

Please avoid embedding equations created using Microsoft© Mathematics™, Microsoft© Office™ 2007/2010 equations, or any other equation originating from text editor tools. These types of equations may not be compatible with the formatting requirements and can cause issues during the publication process.


Review preferences

For the review process, please provide the names and email addresses of three to five potential referees who are not affiliated with your home institution. You may also indicate any reviewers you prefer not to evaluate your manuscript due to potential conflicts of interest. These suggestions will be taken into consideration, but the Editors are under no obligation to follow them. The Editor-in-Chief will assign the most suitable Editor to manage the peer-review process for your manuscript.


Editorial Flow

Upon receiving your manuscript, it will be handled directly by the editor-in-chief, unless the chief editor assigns a section editor or a member of the editorial board to manage your submission. The editor in charge will then forward the manuscript to our reviewers. The reviewers will provide their assessments, which will guide the decision-making process for the editor in charge (second-level decision). The final decision regarding the manuscript will be made by the editor-in-chief (first-level decision).

For manuscripts submitted by members of the editorial team, the same editorial flow applies. These manuscripts will always be reviewed and handled by an editor who is not directly involved with the text. Editorial team members are allowed to publish up to two papers per year (excluding editorials).


Conflicts of Interest

Conflicts of interest (COIs), also known as ‘competing interests’, arise when external factors related to the research may reasonably influence its objectivity or neutrality in the assessment process. All potential conflicts of interest must be declared—regardless of whether they have had any actual influence—so that informed decisions can be made. Generally, the declaration of a COI does not prevent the manuscript from being published or from someone participating in the review process.

Editors and reviewers should refrain from being involved in a submission if they:

  • Have a recent publication or current submission with any author.
  • Share or have recently shared an institutional affiliation with any author.
  • Collaborate or have recently collaborated with any author.
  • Have a close personal relationship with any author.
  • Have a financial interest in the subject matter of the work.
  • Feel unable to be objective in their assessment.

Reviewers must disclose any other potential interests in the ‘Confidential’ section of the review form, which must be considered by the editor.

Authors must provide a detailed declaration of all potential conflicts in the ‘Conflicts of Interest’ section of their manuscript. This section should explain why a particular interest might pose a conflict. Declaring all possible conflicts—whether or not they have influenced the work—enables others to make informed decisions about the review and publication process. The declared conflicts of interest will be taken into consideration during the peer review process and should be included in the final article.

Finally, editors and reviewers must also disclose if they have had prior discussions with the authors regarding the manuscript.


Publicity and Dissemination of Manuscripts

Once your manuscript is accepted for publication, we invite authors to contribute to the visibility of their work by providing additional materials to help promote the article across various platforms. These efforts play a crucial role in increasing the impact of the research and engaging the scientific community and the public.

Photographs for Social Media

Upon acceptance, we request that authors submit a high-quality image related to their research that they hold the copyright for. This image will be used to promote the article on the journal's social media channels. Please ensure that the image is clear, high-resolution, and relevant to the study’s content.

Make an Impact with a Video Abstract (Optional)

To further enhance the visibility of your work, we encourage authors to send a video abstract once their paper is accepted for publication. The video will be permanently linked to your article on the Ethnobiology and Conservation website and shared across our channels. This is an excellent opportunity to make your research more accessible and engaging for a broader audience. Below, we list some general guidelines:

  • Make it short: 60 to 210 seconds.
  • Be clear and to the point, answering these questions: what question did you want to say with your research? What main conclusions?
  • Prefer images and schemes instead of text. Make it readable: if you are using presentation slides with text or images on them, make sure there is not too much on the slide, so others can easily read them while still listening to you talk.
  • Technical specifications: format: .mov, .mpg, or .mp4; frame rate: 24, 25 or 30 fps; frame type: 1080p (min), 4K is preferred.

Please submit your video abstract directly to the editor in charge of your article along with the final version of your accepted manuscript. This video will serve as a powerful tool to communicate your research in an engaging and easily shareable format.


Publication Fees

Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors are required to pay a publication fee, which is entirely reinvested into the maintenance and improvement of the journal. The standard publication fee is USD 400, and it supports the journal's operations, including the work of our dedicated editors, who volunteer their time and expertise.

The publication fee is allocated as follows:

  • 30% for internet and information services.
  • 40% for editorial services, including text editing and revision.
  • 30% for administrative costs.


Waiver Policy

At Ethnobiology and Conservation (EC), we have a transparent waiver policy to support researchers who are unable to cover some or all of the costs associated with publishing open access. To ensure equitable access to publishing, we offer automatic waivers or discounts depending on the country of the corresponding author:

100% Discount: Authors from the following countries are eligible for a full waiver  - Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cook Islands, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Moldova, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

50% Discount: Authors from the following countries are eligible for a 50% discount -  Albania, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritius, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Palau, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Serbia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.

In addition, authors can request an extra discount in the cover letter with reasonable justification.


Editorial Board Waivers

To honor the contributions of our editorial board, we offer a 100% waiver for manuscripts submitted by editorial board members. Each editor is entitled to one full waiver per year.

Reviewer Vouchers

We also value the work of our reviewers. For each review submitted, reviewers will receive a 10% voucher toward their future publication fees. These vouchers are valid for the same calendar year in which the reviews were completed.