NKENGBEZA, N. S.; NANA, E. D. .; EKWOGE ENANG ABWE; JEAN PASCAL KOH-DIMBOT; NGOME LAURA MESAME; PETER NJUKANG AKONGTE; ERIC BERTRAND FOKAM. Exploring local ecological knowledge to inform the conservation of the Endangered and understudied Preuss’s monkey (Allochrocebus preussi) in Ebo forest, Cameroon. Ethnobiology and Conservation, [S. l.], v. 13, 2024. DOI: 10.15451/ec2024-03-13.11-1-19. Disponível em: https://ethnobioconservation.com/index.php/ebc/article/view/823. Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.